A good marketer, therefore, has to have several aces up his sleeve and be familiar with the arsenal of tools used in today’s digital marketing. And to get to know them, there’s nothing better than starting with the numbers. How do users behave? What results can we expect?
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50 Digital marketing statistics for 2019-1
What is the competition doing? Let’s find out with these 50 digital marketing statistics for 2019.
Search Engine Marketing Statistics (SEO and SEM)
Copy of 50 Digital Marketing Statistics for 2019-1
1) 85% of clicks resulting from a search are on America Cell Phone Number List links. (Source: Unbounce )
2) In September 2018, 65% of Google desktop searches resulted in a click on an organic link. (Source: SparkToro ).
3) 60% of Google users are unable to identify whether they are viewing a paid ad or an organic link. (Source: Search Engine Watch)
4) Search ads can increase brand awareness by 80%. (Source: Google)
5) 63% of people say they would click on a Google ad. (Source: Search Engine Land )
6) Visitors coming from PPC ads are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors. (Source: Unbounce )
7) According to Google, businesses earn an average of $2 in C Level Contact Data for every $1 spent on paid advertising on Google Ads. (Source: Google Economic Impact )
8) Google accounts for 76% of the search engine market. (Source: NetMarketShare )
9) 70% of mobile searchers call the company directly from the Google results page. (Source: DMR )
Mobile Marketing Statistics
2. 50 digital marketing statistics for 201910) 80% of smartphone users are more likely to buy when companies have mobile sites or apps that help them find answers to their questions easily. (Source: Google )
11) 68% of emails are opened from a mobile device. (Source: Marketing Land )
12) In 2019, mobile advertising is expected to account for 72% of US digital advertising spending. (Source: eMarketer )
13) 68% of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy. (Source: Salesforce)
14) 71% of marketers believe mobile marketing is critical to their business. (Source: Salesforce)
15) 58% of companies surveyed have a dedicated mobile marketing team. (Source: Salesforce)
16) Global mobile data traffic is expected to grow 7-fold by 2021. (Source: Forbes )